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Lw g. ` Ó S ± u!. Dec 01, 11 · Then Ï (G)x i = ∑ v j ∈V(G) d ij x j (24) 3 The transformations Here we give some graph transformations in the form of lemmas which will be useful to derive our main results Lemma 31 Let G be a graph with a clique K s of order s (s 2) and u, v be two vertices on the clique with p, q pendent vertices, respectively, where deg(v. S ` h A L < w U Ì T t s l h { ¢ £ O Ä À ² è å ³ Ï g à w t l o Ì T t s l h w x T C w 0 @ U ú A ¨ A w ÿ Î j ¼ q ` h i Z p s T l h p K { å È \ Ñ w O x G F Û s Ï Ä À î ª b \ q p T Ñ T ¢ b þ  L h ` h { ` T ` Ï ª w ¡ Ë g x E ½ w Û r q s l h h Ï.
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We present a new polynomialtime algorithm for finding proper mcolorings of the vertices of a graphWe prove that every graph with nvertices and maximum vertex degree Δ must have chromatic number χ(G) less than or equal to Δ1 and that the algorithm will always find a proper mcoloring of the vertices of Gwith mless than or equal to Δ1. Jan 01, 13 · Therefore, if G α = Ï„ (G),thenG α is not a topological oup and Proposition 35 implies that T G α1 is a proper subset of T G α Consequently,ifG α = Ï„ (G) for every ordinal α, ere are distinct sets U α ∈ T G α − T G α1 ⊆ T G 0 indexed by the ordinals This contradicts the fact that there is. = ^ d O U U ^ o M { \ O ` h ï g w ¦ Á x z Û r w s M ¼ ¤ ¿ Ä O ï w w z c w s r 7 s w ;.
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